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Virtual University Computer Courses.

The Virtual University has introduced Certificate Course(s) for professionals working in the industry as well as for the public at large. The purpose of these is to retrain professionals in new emerging areas of Science & Technology as well as provide the public with an opportunity to learn basic subjects which may be of general interest. Certificate Courses are offered in five disciplines: Computer Science, General Science, Humanities, Management and Mathematics.
Each Certificate Course comprised of one semester duration (18 weeks).
Eligibility Requirements
Candidate can read, write and understand English language and there is no restriction on age, sex and educational qualifications. Candidate can apply for admission to maximum four (04) courses during a semester. However, students already enrolled in a Virtual University degree/diploma program are ineligible for admission towards certificate course(s).
Educational Material
The University mail a package comprised of Lecture Handout/DVD’s of only those course(s) that developed by the University. In case of non-availability of study material of a course(s), student will consult recommended books/material as prescribed in course(s) catalogue/LMS and will not claim for Lecture Handouts/DVDs.
However, a student is allowed to change his/her enrolled certificate course within fifteen days after the commencement of semester by providing application (signed hard copy ) to Registrar, Virtual University of Pakistan, M.A Jinnah Campus, Defence Road, Off Raiwind Road, Lahore, Pakistan or at ( Such student is required to replace the received package (if already received) by mailing Lecture Handouts & Lecture DVD’s of the course along with payment of Rs.100/- as shipment charges to VU Bookshop ( in order to receive new opted course material. However, overseas students are required to pay actual additional shipment charges for newly opted course.
Assessment of Study Progress
The students’ study progress evaluation mechanism is based on continuous assessment throughout the semester by giving assignments, online quizzes, Graded Moderated Discussion Boards (GMDBs), mid-term and final term examinations.
Award of Certificate
Each Certificate Course is of three credit hours (except Islamic Studies and Pakistan Studies). The earned course credit hours are transferable towards degree/diploma program of the University. Course Certificate would be awarded by VU Academic Department ( to the candidate after successful completion of course work requirements.
Fee Structure
Note: In case a student leaves the university or apply for admission cancellation then university shall not refund any paid amount. However, fee to drop/freeze certificate courses is as under:
Drop/Freeze of Short Certificate Course
University fee shall be charged upon enrollment in next semester in order to activate dropped course (s) or to continue next semester.

DetailsLocal student (Rs.)Overseas student (US $)
Before mid-term Examination1500/-50
During Or After mid-term examination2000/-100
Note: University is not liable to provide Lecture Handouts & Lecture DVD’s to such students upon continuation of their Certificate Course (s) or semester.
Certificate Courses
The University is offering Certificate Course(s):
Computer Science/Information Technology
1CS001VU-Computer Proficiency License
2CS101Introduction to Computing
3CS201Introduction to Programming
4CS301Data Structures
5CS302Digital Logic Design
6CS304Object Oriented Programming
7CS401Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming
8CS402Theory of Automata
9CS403Database Management Systems
10CS408Human Computer Interaction
11CS411Visual Programming
12CS501Advance Computer Architecture
13CS502Fundamentals of Algorithms
14CS504Software Engineering - I
15CS506Web Design and Development
16CS507Information Systems
17CS508Modern Programming Languages
18CS601Data Communication
19CS602Computer Graphics
20CS604Operating Systems
21CS605Software EngineeringII
22CS606Compiler Construction
23CS607Artificial Intelligence
24CS609System Programming
25CS610Computer Network
26CS614Data Warehousing
27CS615Software Project Management


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